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Spondylosis is a broad term for the normal wearing down of discs in the spine. The condition is very common and affects millions of people in the US per year.

Spondylosis can worsen with age and has often been used to describe degenerative arthritis. The condition can cause pain or muscle spasms in related areas. If spondylosis is severe, it may cause enough pressure on nerve roots to cause paresthesia (“pins and needles”), and muscle weakness in the limbs.


Spondylosis is a condition that many experience, due to the normal wearing down of the ligaments, tissues and and discs in the spine. It is possible that the pain or discomfort you are experiencing is due to spondylosis, but consulting with your doctor about your condition is recommended, especially if your condition worsens.

Many of our patients at California Spine & Pain Institute experience spondylosis. Frequently spondylosis is reported on patient’s X-rays, without them experiencing any symptoms. X-rays can indicate a decrease in the spinal disc space, calcium deposits in the vertebrae, and any bone fragmentation or spurs – all of which might cause our patients pain.

Spondylosis is caused from years of pressure on the spine, poor posture, and normal disc wear and tear. Spondylosis can affect people of all ages, but older people are more prone to the condition because of more limited mobility and flexibility.

Pain, muscle spasms and weakness may come with spondylosis, but further examination should take place to determine the source of pain that you are experiencing.


In many cases, there is no specific treatment needed for spondylosis. If you are experiencing pain with the condition, conservative treatments should be considered first, including applying a warm compress, low-impact exercise like walking or yoga, and physical therapy. Pain and anti-inflammatory medication may be prescribed to help reduce swelling. Steroid injections may also help your condition.

Dr. Magued Fadly may recommend surgery if the symptoms are severe and more conservative approaches do not provide you with enough relief.

If you have questions about treating your condition, make an appointment for a consultation with Dr. Magued Fadly and the team to determine the best course of action

Pain management conditions treated at California Spine and Pain Institute

  • Meniscus Tears
  • Patellar Tracking Disorder
  • Patellofemoral Syndrome
  • Dislocated Knee
  • Dislocated Shoulder
  • lenoid Labrum Tear
  • Rotator Cuff Injuries
  • Frozen Shoulder
  • Loose Shoulder
  • Shoulder Impingement
  • SLAP Tear
  • Subacromial Bursitis

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