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YESS Selective Endoscopic Discectomy


Endoscopic fusion is type of minimally invasive spinal surgery technique that uses an endoscope, or tube with a small camera at the end of it, to view the internal anatomy and access the spine.

California Spine & Pain Institute uses this procedure to fuse together two vertebrae to provide a patient’s spine with additional stability and prevents further motion between the two bones. This minimally invasive endoscopic approach lessens soft tissue injury normally experienced during traditional open back surgery, allowing for a quicker recovery time.


Endoscopic spinal fusion helps to relieve a patient’s chronic pain when more conservative approaches aren’t able to relieve a patient’s symptoms. Dr. Magued Fadly may recommend this procedure for patients who experience:

  • Spondylolisthesis, a condition that occurs when one vertebra slips forward over another;
  • Spinal instability, as a result of degenerative diseases like arthritis;
  • Spinal deformities;
  • Vertebral fractures

Endoscopic fusion is often performed alongside procedures like a discectomy (disc removal) or after laminectomy or foraminotomy. California Spine & Pain Institute may recommend endoscopic fusion to help with spinal stability in patients who have chronic, debilitating back pain for which no specific cause has been found.

In an endoscopic fusion, an incision is made over the spine, and Dr. Magued Fadly inserts an endoscope, or tube with a small camera at the end of it, into the surgical area. This allows him to view the affected area and gives them access the spine. A bone graft is then placed between or around the vertebrae, and metal plates, screws or rods are implanted to keep the spine stable. The bone graft material fuses with your spine’s vertebrae over the period of several months.


Endoscopic fusion is a well-established procedure at California Spine & Pain Institute, but is generally only recommended when it’s considered medically necessary to relieve our patients’ symptoms. If your condition cannot be treated with conservative methods like physical therapy and medication, you may want to talk to your doctor about a surgical option for treatment.

Most procedures involve a hospital stay of a couple of days — this ensures that the surgically treated area has a chance to start the healing process. Pain medication may be prescribed to relieve your discomfort, and a brace or soft cervical collar may be used to keep the spine aligned.

Strenuous physical activity is restricted for several weeks after the procedure, and physical therapy is recommended to help restore mobility and strength in the spine. It can take several months for the bone grafts to completely fuse with the rest of your spine.

If you have questions about endoscopic fusion or would like to consult with Dr. Magued Fadly on your spinal condition, please contact us today to set up an appointment!


Degenerative disc disease and herniated disc can cause spinal problems that compress your nerves and cause pain or other discomfort in the lower back, buttocks and legs. The goal of an endoscopic discectomy or YESS procedure is to relieve the compression in the nerves and allow patients to return to regular daily activities.

Not every patient at California Spine & Pain Institute requires surgery. When non-surgical treatment fails to relieve your symptoms and there is a progressive worsening of symptoms or pain, you should talk to your doctor about your surgical options.

In the Yeung Endoscopic Spinal Surgery (YESS) a small needle is inserted into the vertebral disc, and a tiny incision is made in the affected area. A dilation tube is slipped into place followed by the surgeon’s endoscope.

Minimally-invasive instruments are moved through the tube and the damaged disc parts are removed. The procedure can take Dr. Magued Fadly 30-minutes to one-hour per disc.


The goal of a YESS procedure, or endoscopic discectomy, is to provide relief from nerve compression and pain, and to allow our patients to return to regular activity without experiencing symptoms.

Surgery comes with risk, regardless of the invasiveness of the procedures. California Spine & Pain Institute may recommend the YESS procedure if more conservative approaches to treatment do not relieve your symptoms, or if your condition gets worse.

Patients who undergo a YESS endoscopic discectomy are typically discharged from the hospital on the same day of their surgery. Physical therapy treatment will start following the procedure, and patients typically return to normal activity within a few weeks.

Pain management conditions treated at California Spine and Pain institute

  • Meniscus Tears
  • Patellar Tracking Disorder
  • Patellofemoral Syndrome
  • Dislocated Knee
  • Dislocated Shoulder
  • lenoid Labrum Tear
  • Rotator Cuff Injuries
  • Frozen Shoulder
  • Loose Shoulder
  • Shoulder Impingement
  • SLAP Tear
  • Subacromial Bursitis

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