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Back Pain

California Spine & Pain Institute

Pain Management located in Tarzana, CA & West Hills, CA

At some point, 80% of all adults will experience back pain. When it persists, chronic back pain becomes the most common cause of disability in men and women under age 45. Magued Fadly, MD, QME, at California Spine & Pain Institute in West Hills & Encino, California, has extensive experience helping men and women achieve long-lasting relief from back pain, leg pain, and tingling caused by sciatica. To learn more about your treatment options, book an appointment online or over the phone today.

Back Pain Q & A

What causes back pain?

Young men and women typically develop back pain due to sprains and strains. As you get older, degenerative changes become the top source of back problems. Some of the conditions responsible for back pain include:

Herniated and degenerative discs

A spinal disc is herniated when damage in the outer layer of the disc allows the inner core to leak out. Disc degeneration occurs over time as discs become dry and lose their strength.


Osteoarthritis can cause degeneration in your spine’s facet joints and gradually lead to bone spurs that protrude into your spinal canal and pinch nerves.

Spinal stenosis

Spinal stenosis is the narrowing of your spinal canal, which is caused by ligaments that thicken with age, slipped discs, bone spurs, and herniated or bulging discs.


Radiculopathy or a pinched nerve develops due to any change that narrows or protrudes into the spinal canal.

What is sciatica?

The sciatic nerve travels from your spine through your buttocks and down both legs. When the nerve is compressed at the spine, you develop sciatica, which is pain, tingling, and numbness that occurs anywhere along the sciatic nerve.

Although sciatica may develop from any condition that pinches the nerve, it’s most often caused by a herniated disc.

What causes upper back pain?

When pain develops in your upper back, it’s usually due to:

  • Poor posture
  • Muscle tension
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Spondylolisthesis (slipped disc)
  • Compression fracture

Multiple compression fractures can lead to a condition called kyphosis, which causes a rounded curvature of your back.

How is back pain treated?

The first line of treatment for back pain begins with conservative measures, such as:

  • Medications to reduce inflammation and relax muscles
  • Physical therapy to improve range of motion and strengthen muscles
  • Training in posture and body mechanics
  • Chiropractic or alternative therapies, such as acupuncture

As a pain specialist, Dr. Fadly also offers effective interventional treatments that work by reducing inflammation, stopping nerve signals from sending pain messages, or by promoting healing and tissue regeneration. These are a few types of interventional options:

  • Epidural steroid injections
  • Facet medial nerve block
  • Radiofrequency ablation
  • PRP injections

Dr. Fadly also performs vertebroplasty, a pain-relieving treatment for compression fractures, in which bone cement is injected to stabilize the fracture.

When your pain persists despite conservative treatment, Dr. Fadly may recommend surgical intervention, such as a discectomy to remove a damaged disc, a bone fusion to restore stability, or a decompressive laminectomy to relieve pressure on a pinched nerve.

To get effective relief for back pain, call California Spine & Pain Institute or book an appointment online.